Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New house new dog

It seems as a new home owner that the next thing to get is a dog, I guess in our case that is. We promised the boys years ago if we were to get a house with a backyard we would get a dog. So now we have a house with a fenced back yard and so now we get a dog. Kramer is the newest member of the family and he has been fun.
Kramer was a dog we adopted from Petsmart adoptions on Saturday. Kramer came in with all these barking, nipping, noisy and crazy looking dogs. Kramer was quiet and did not bark. He has barked maybe 4 or 5 times since we had him. We need a doggy door for the mudroom to the backyard, but has been fun, It freaked me out the first time he put that cold nose on me in the early hours of the morning.
So I guess i'm a pet owner and it has been fun and I really enjoy it for now.


Jessica Littlefield said...

This is a cute pic, you haven't shown it to me! I love that it shows his right ear up and left ear down. That's how he always is.

Anonymous said...

he is ccccccccccccccuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeee