Saturday, June 20, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Since my last post a million things has happened. Four Birthdays (Braxton, Caleb, Jessica, & Trajan). So I guess I will tell of some of the highlights!

Scout was a dog we had for a time, she was very anxious if dogs could be diagnosed with ADHD she definetly had it, but her energy was fun and just like some of the boys. She ran out the door one day when Jessica got home with groceries and chased a truck and she caught it allright both rear tires! Read jessica's blog for the whole story, but she was in bad shape. We helped, loved and did all for her for a month, and in a period of a few days she went from almost healed to her death bed! She died on June 19th and it was a sad day, I spent the last hours of her life by her side with Jess. I knew I had work and other things the next day so I went to sleep on the couch! I was awakened a little later by Jess who said she had died! I was sick to my stomach and sad I couldn't have been there in the last minutes. I guess I am just thankful for the times I had with her and the joy she brought to me and my family!

Braxton turned 6 and he is doing so good, he has adjusted well and he is making strides in school and he finished the school year better than i was hoping. I feel now he will do great in 1st grade. Caleb is 5 going on 20, He is Chief a nickname that has stuck with him for a long time, he is very busy and very snoopy to say the least but he is so cute and I have tons of fun with him. Trajan is 10 and I can't believe it! I'm not old enough to have a 10 year old am I? I'm still a kid myself! Jacksen is doing well, he is very smart and he is quite a reader, he can read pretty much anything. Jess is doing well her posts on scrappy pants are awesome and very heart felt. I love her so much and we will celebrate 13 years on Sept 13th this year. I can't believe it?

Now you know the where the time has gone! it flies by and goes so fast!
Mitchy the kid!

1 comment:

Buying a Car! said...

Hey Mitchy...

How's about updating the site? I've been enjoying the read.



I have a site also, on the topic of buying a car with bad credit. Maybe you would like to check it out? Nothing for sale.